Winter is undeniably harsh on tourers. The colder weather can seriously damage caravans if they are not properly looked after while being kept stationary for months can also wreak havoc on the van’s internal systems and functions.

No matter whether you are planning on touring this winter or have already decided to keep your van in storage for the colder months, it’s important to take some pre-emptive steps to protect it from the elements before the weather dips much colder. Here are three ways you can begin the process of winter-proofing your tourer this month…

  1. Clean Your Van

If your tourer will be in storage for the long, cold winter months, you need to complete a pre-storage clean. This includes a thorough clean inside, paying particular attention to the kitchen area so come spring there are no nasty insect infestations or mould. You also need to give the exterior of your van a good clean with a hose, and a proper caravan cleaning agent. Make sure it’s free from any dirt or mud as this can hold onto moisture and cause your van to rust and remove any specs of mould as they can permanently damage the aluminium or plastic exterior.

If you are touring this winter, it is still a great idea to complete a thorough clean before your trip commences and then be vigilant about disinfecting, wiping all surfaces and turning the hose pipe on your van to wash off dirt and salt from the road before covering for your next trip.

  1. Book An Annual Service Checkup

An annual service checkup ahead of the winter season can help to winter-proof your van. During a checkup, technicians will check your utilities such as electric and gas to ensure they are safe and legal, along with a check of the axels to ensure there is no rust or damage.

All parts of your tourer could be susceptible to damage or decline over the winter, either through being exposed to the cold or simply by sitting stationary for months. Having an annual checkup can spot any problems to enhance the longevity of your van and for newer caravans, ensures your warranty remains valid.

  1. Optimise airflow inside

Inside the van, you want to ensure optimum air circulation so take off the cushions and stand them upright, ideally covered is possible with something like an old sheet. You should also open the blinds and wardrobe doors and double-check the seals on doors and windows remain fully intact, with all doors and windows closed. Any gaps or broken seals can let moisture in, leading to mould, damp and mildew.

  1. Drain water tanks

Any water left in the taps or heating system can freeze during the colder weather so make sure the water tanks are thoroughly emptied before you store your tourer for winter. Any water containers should also be emptied, cleaned and then dried to ensure nothing unpleasant grows during the winter and water filters cleaned and dried. The toilet waste tank should also be emptied and cleaned and the tank itself drained of water.